I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Stranger Wisdom

True Story!!! So I was doing laundry last night and like always I decided to get a cup of coffee and walk to the playground on St.Nicholas avenue here in Washington Heights NYC. As I am sitting there with the revitalizing fall coolness splashing on my skin, inhaling the wind and drowning my lungs, I am a tad solemn. I am actually using it as my quiet time. I guess it's sort of meditating. I needed that on Sunday. Anyhow, as I am sitting there on the bench with the children playing in the background on this fallback twilight hour, I see a woman walking down the street about to cross my path. As she walks by I look at her and she looks at me and says, "hi". I reply with a smile, "hi, how are you?" She walks past but then quickly turns around to say.......................................................If you want to know the rest, you have to read it in my blog:) xoxoxooxoxoxoxo. I found it pretty powerful at that moment!

This is what my email consisted of and now here is the rest of the story.

As I was sitting on this park bench sipping my coffee, this black woman was approaching and as she is walking past we exchange greetings. After passing, she takes a few steps and turns around to share with me that 62 year earlier, her mother use to bring her to the playground behind me to play in the sandbox. All the while she is looking at the playground as if it had happened yesterday. I see her about 5 years old with little pigtails and ballies in her hair running around why her mother chases her on a sweet sunny afternoon. As she brings me back she tells me that she recently just moved back to NYC but does not know where all of the years went. I asked her if she was unhappy to be back in the city of which she replied, "NO". She said that she had traveled the world and had done many things but she didn't live in the moment. She said that the years had just passed her by and she does not really know where they went. There was so much I could take from her story, but what spoke to me most was the waste of time. I'm over wasting time and hoping that soon will just fall in my lap. I guess my feelngs and my question that was burning in my being was responded to in that moment. She then just said that she saw me and felt compelled to tell me what she had and then she went on her way.

Wow,interesing it was. I often have complete random strangers speaking to me like this. Is it the universe talking to me. Are they angels? Are they signs? Probably all of the above. I appreciate them though. Has this happened to you?