I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Dark Side of Me

So we all have things about us that not everyone is aware of. I want to share an interesting little tidbit about me. I love the dark! I somewhat dread sunshine. Yea I know, your probably thinking that someone as loving, and endearing, and so full of light, with so much positivity would be living in the sun! Nope! I have always preferred the darkness over the sunlight. I hate to sunbathe. I am drained on Sunny days like cryptonite. In my home the shades are always drawn and I only use electric when extremely necessary. Candles are my babies! I love the glow and the mysterious shadows that they cast. They inspire me and energize my soul. I was born in the summer but in the am hour of twilight. I love to do everything at night. I love to swim at night, go out, work, work out, and I am most inspired creatively in the dark. Hey I even get showered in the dark. Its TRUE!!! Its bad for me but I will even read in very low light. Darkness is always given a BAD name and looked on as negative, but darkness holds an AMAZING beauty for me. Darkness is so rich and velvety and seductive and intoxicating!! I can't get enough. I'm even writing this post now in the dark, lol!!! Ok, so that is one interesting piece of trivia about me. Is there anything about you that you would like to share????

1 comment:

  1. Even I love the darkness. My ultimate goal is to have a bedroom that is totally black. No windows (or blacked out at least) one light in the middle of the room connected to a clapper. Ah to dream. You'd think Bright & Sunny people would LOVE the sun... Maybe they are so bright & sunny because of loving the dark? I don't know. I do know that the candles & flames in the darkness are mesmerizing.

    I'd like to share....my sandwich, want some? LOL, really, I am an imperfect perfectionist. I don't like cleaning up, but when I do it has to be perfect. Dishes can't have a spot on them, even on the underside. Floors when scrubber can'd have patches of gunk on them. Yet, when I don't feel like cleaning the gunk is just there and if someone else washes the dishes, I only care that mine is spot free and clean the spot myself if need be. Besides, I only feel like cleaning between the hours of 4:30pm - about 6pm. before that i don't feel like it and after that i have to make dinner or something. thing is usually I'm not home or are doing other things so cleaning doesn't get done. ...wow, I'm a slob. Good thing my mom is often over and cleans stuff for me :)
