I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hi My name is Cisco and Im addicted to "C"

NOoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Its not what you think!!! Its that rich, somewhat chocolatey, best when piping hot, a lil milk, and a enough sugar to just blur the bitterness!!! Yes! COFFEE!!! OMG!!! I have it first thing in the morning, right when I get to work, maybe after lunch, and definitely after dinner with my maria coffee biscuits!!! ahhaaha!! Thats some wicked "C" routine huh? Well your saying to yourself, WoW, this guy must be hype!!! Well actually I drink it because it has the reverse effect!! Its so soothing!! MMMM I want some now!!! I really do! My mother in law gave me the percolator that she passed down from her collection. I LOVE IT!! No more filters and I can do the dance why I wait for my coffee!!! LOL!! Thanks MOM!! Forget the flavors and all that whip cream, or as my co worker say "that sin" called "iced coffee!! Oh no!! I just want my regular ol cup of "C"!!! I prefer D&D's for all my coffenistas who know there coffee houses!!!! Ahhh bring on the beans!!! I dream of swimming in those huge coffee barrels at the market!! It really get my motor running!! I love "C"!! hey can I coin that a new term?? Move over cup of joe, gimme "C". What gets you goin?

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