I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So theres was a great film that came out many years ago called "Sophie Choice". I don't ever remember seeing it and I don't even know what it is about, but I know that it is a classic. I wonder what her choice was or even if she made it. Everyday we are faced with choices. Most of them are very easy to make, such as should I cross the street in heavy traffic or wait for the light, should I drink drano or a glass of water, but there are ones that really paralyze us, and actually cuz us as much physical hurt as the first two examples I made. Why can we not make a decision when it comes to these? Why are we so scared? We or some of us would make incredible laywers by the opening and closing reasons as to why we must stay with the lover who treats his/her dog better, or not leave a job because there's a so called recession. Doesn't anyone remember the oldie but goodie, if there's a will there's a way!! There is but we are too chicken s%&* to "WILL" anymnore!! Oh the kids, o I'm not good enough, O its winter. Give me a break!! We all sound like coo coo cloks on the hour every hour of every day!!!

Why do we do this to ourselves? The choice is way easier than we make it. No rewards with no risk!!! I need to start carrying a recorder with me everyday for the multiple but all similar compliaints that we all make every day!! Do something!! Do something!! I want to shake them!! I need to shake myselves at times!!! Think really hard today about what you want and what you don't like and then weigh it. Really look at it. You will see how much stress and burden you can remove from your shoulders if you just make a CHOICE and make moves!!!

Ask anyone what they want and the number one answer is "HAPPY". Choose to be happy. Stop kidding ourselves, stop procrastinating cuz your young, stop crutching yourself cuz your old, stop the bull$%^!!

“There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself.”
Henry David Thoreau quotes

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