I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hole in my heart

So I spoke to my bestie yesterday. She is like my right arm we are so close. Her mom who is like a mom to me took ill last Christmas and to this day has shown no progress from her near fatal stroke. My friend is paralyzed emotionally as her mother was her best friend and confidant. My friend has been with her mom every moment for the past year outside of work and church. I have prayed and prayed and prayed some more, and asked that her mom get better for my friends sake as I dont know how it will affect her otherwise. It's really torn me to see my friend have to go through this. I act as if I can go about my daily life but truthfully it hurts me, somewhere in the back of my mind.

Yesterday we spoke as her mother was transfered yet again back into the hospital for complications. While there, they discovered that she had a sever pressure sore on her tailbone, large and deep enough for my friend to put both her fists into, as so she described it. I felt my heart fall into my stomach. I am so frightened for her and so heartbroken for her mother. What can you do in this situation. It's not fair but all you can do is sit back and pray. How devastating is this. This is the first person closest to me in my lifetime that I could potentially lose, her mom I am speaking of. It's really put a hole in my heart:( I love you Ms. Harris...........

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