I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Strong Personality

Where do I even begin with this. I am still shocked by this title that I was given. I don't know whether to feel complimented or offended. It's like being considered a BITCH which we all can understand. A bitch is a respected woman or down right mean old nasty gal. I recently was told that I was a strong personality by my new boss in my office. She stated that this is what she observed. I must say that although I know she is a very educated and very enlightened woman that this is a very bad case of misunderstanding on her part.

Recently I have had to voice my concerns regarding a co-worker of mine who for the longest has taken advantage of my kindness and my sometimes door mat factor, but no more do I wish to let this occur. I can and will no longer allow for my feelings to be ignored and or unaccounted for. I simply decided to inform my co-worker of her blatant neglect to her fellow co workers and address the concerns that I have had for so long areas of the work responsibility that she is consistently falling short on. Some may say it's not my place but we have been without a committed manager for so long and I have had no choice. We also have been told to sort out our own issues, yet in doing so, I have become the culprit. It's the old case of the offender becoming the victim. Should I just sit back and shut up or am I valid to address my concerns. Some say the first, but I don't believe in that. I will just have to face consequences and I am prepared to. I will not compromise myself for just anyone.

Is this what is meant by "Strong Personality"? If so, is that such a bad thing. I believe we have a duty to speak when warranted. Changes never come from people who just sit back and let things roll. No the roads are not easy and they are paved with a lots of opposition. No, there will be some who will not like me but so what! I don't care!! lol!

“If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.”

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