I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.


Monday, October 18, 2010


The winds are close to my heart, rattling it like a crying baby in the dark, where is my shelter, where is my blanket, I need warmth, I need relief, I need for you to speak, say "It's OK!", Why has the sun gone down so early, I want to chase the the fallen leaves cuz they crackle like my happiness under your feet, hold me please, unnoticed, no worry for you, its a belly ache for me, unheard, no sweat on your brow, its a sore for me, LISTEN!!!! Waling like the great Whale, ringing mountains in the distant miles, causing avalanches like my tears, down down down my cheeks but around my smile, undo this, im zapped like a mosquito in the neon light, wings all shredded, but I got a right! hear me!! What can I give? Is my milk still sweet, can I feed you? Take it all, I have no use for it anymore, I'm movin on, TRUST has lost it's "T" and now is RUST, red like dried blood and scattering in the winds that rattle my heart like a crying child in the dark.

I don't know what meaning this has for me. I just wrote it randomly as I am sitting her beginning my Monday morning at work. Creatvity burns like hot coals in my stomach daily with it's firey gases needing to escape and char a wall, a stage, a peice of paper, or this blog. I love to create. I love to use words in such a way that they paint a picture and sing a song. I don't care to much for grammar. Grammar is boring and dull to me, though I understand it's importance, but the word are ever more important. When I was 15 a young classmate, who was an exchange student and a poet asked me to write. It was the first time I had ever written anything. I never had any desire to or any idea that I could. She asked me to not think about it and just let the words spill from my heart onto the page. I thought it was very odd, but I wanted to try. What I wrote was ghostly and incredibly suprising. I was so impressed with myself. I continued to write from that day on. Now I am writing, songs, plays, and blogs. I love to write. Words are POWER. I am an artist and these are my words. What do they say to you?

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