I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.


Thursday, June 10, 2010


SO I JUST FINISHED WRITING MY SECOND PLAY. IT'S CALLED "FRANKIE". IT;S ABOUT A Transgendered individual, male to female. It's having a reading June 20th 2010. I am unbelievably excited. Its a story about the characters coming into her own, acceptin her identity, and resolving past conflicts with her neglectful mother, absent father, and her potential new lover. Anyhow, there are alot of hiddent truths within the piece that I took from my own life. One of which I am VERY fond of and would like to share. It is about my abuela(grandmom),my father's mother who passed when I was five. Her name was Rafaela. The memory is of when I was very young, I think about 5, and we use to play this game called "mercy". It's a game where someone grabs your hand and either bends your fingers backwards or squeezes your entire hand to the point of pain. Silly right? Well my grandmother didnt speak any english and I no spanish. It was our way of communicating. I still remember her sitting in front of that window in her house dress and flower apron, hair in a bun and full of salt and pepper, smoking her cigarrette out of the Germantown project window. I think I would say, do it grandma, and she knew what I meant. I would reach the point of screaming and she would let got and then I would smile and say "Do it AGAIN!!!LOL!!!! Wild and Wonderful!!! I love you Abuela!!!

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