I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.


Saturday, June 5, 2010


Ugh, so Im on the two train today in this 80+ degree weather and it stops in it's tracks before reaching the platform. Here I am in this metal snake with what seems like thousands of people and all of there body heat clinging to my skin and the stench of there bodies attacking my nose!! Someone in the train ahead of us apparently got sick and they needed an ambulance. We were told that we would be stuck in the train for 20 mins. ok, not too long, but with all of those people and the heat, and the smell, OMG!!! I started hyperventilating, I felt the walls closing in, I felt TRAPPED!!!!!! Where am I to go!! I feel entombed in this tuna can! My breaths became shorter and I wanted Superman to smash through the ceiling and rescue me. It was the longest twenty minutes ever. They then told us that we had to exit the train by walking through all of the carts in order to reach the first one and get to the platform. After walking through about 4 carts they changed there minds and the train continued. I found a seat with a/c right over it and no people in the car. It quickly changed the whole experience. I guess Im somewhat clausterphobic. Ugh, I hate feeling like I'm restrained. I endured all of this just to get to a 2 year olds birthday party. Can I get some applause? Then I lucked out because a wonderful coworker of mine was there and she gave me a ride back home. I did'nt need that old stinky MTA train!! xoxoxoxooxx

1 comment:

  1. I would have totally flipped my lid! I hate being confined! Your a good man!! xoxox
