I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oil and water, next Vinegar

OMG!!! What have we done? It is so unsettling that as I sit here writing this blog, as I go about my day, to work, to eat lunch, to workout, to worry about when I will go back to school, to stress over what I will wear, to think about things that I want to do next year???, there is a MASSIVE oil spill going on right now LITERALLY in the Gulf!!!! Its been spewing oil into the gulf for weeks now with no end in sight!!! Gallons of it spill each our devouring the beautiful ocean and wonderful wildlife creatures and soon if not already our wetlands and beaches. It is a horrendous display of human error with dyre ramifications. This is the ultimate betrayal to our earth. We have been pillaging this poor planet for years while it gives us oxygen, water, food, shelter, beautiful mountains, blue skies, green landscapes,etc. We humans time and time again have mutilated its bounty and took advantage of its resources and just about depleted its body. Is this not a fantastic metaphor of a ripped artery? We have severed a major vein in the earths core and now it bleeds profusely! I don't think the earth is going to be so forgiving for this one. It has already shown what it can do when it wants to fight back, Katrina,Haiti,Thailand, Chile, what next? Its going to come back with a vengeance for this one. We'd better gear up! Its frightening to even think about it! We are in serious trouble perhaps and the vinegar will surely sting!

1 comment:

  1. So sad to see what mankind has done to this earth and the lack of respect!
